Homemade Elderberry Syrup
Healthy Plates
Fight Inflation with Grain Free Mama’s
Are You Satisfied with Your Health And Diet Choice Patterns?
Easy Detox with Green Tea
ORGANIC: Is it Here to Stay…?
Do you like the idea of drinking ‘Bullet-proof’ coffee more than the taste of it?
The Case for Grasses-Family Free
News, Cows, and Things to Consider
Prolamins and Glutelins: The Real Problem
Welcome to GFMama’s: Grain Free Mama’s You Tube Channel
What our customers have to say!
Thank you so much for creating the grain free crepe mix.
They are easy to make and taste wonderful.It is great to have a grain free option for breakfast.
These gluten free products will make your gluten free life a tastier, better and healthier journey!
What’s the best about this is that the other people in your family that are not gluten free enjoy the meals you cook which will help you make better choices. The crêpes are so yummy!
My body doesn’t break down sugars and carbohydrates very well, so the addition of these products has literally been a life-saver for me!
I can digest them easily and I they do not affect my blood sugar in any negative way.
Grain Free Mama’s product are great and I don’t even have gluten or sugar issues.
I have given these mixes to several friends with gluten and/or sugar issues and they love them too.
“Great Products”
“These are great products…and good for you. Margie and her team put their heart and soul into everything they create.”