Is Gluten Free for You?

By Published On: June 28th, 2018550 wordsViews: 187
Gourmet Gluten & Grain Free Baking Mixes | Grain Free Mama’s

Wondering if gluten free is for you? Everywhere you go today, there seems to be talk about gluten, celiac, gluten sensitivity, GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) and paleo eating. There are initiatives coming up for the vote that pertain to labelling foods, and identifying or not identifying whether these foods contain GMO’s. You may be wondering if all this is just a new craze, or if there is anything substantial to it. No matter what you may or may not know, it is prudent to have know the terms at the least.

Gluten is the glue-like substance found in grains, including the edible grasses of wheat, barley, rye and oat. It is also found in corn and rice, although this type of gluten is usually tolerated by people who are gluten sensitive. Those with celiac disease do not tolerate corn and rice well. The difference between celiac disease and gluten intolerance/gluten sensitivity is the way that a person’s body reacts to the gluten. “Celiac disease is a condition in which eating foods that contain the protein gluten—found in wheat, barley, and rye—causes damage to your small intestine. People who have celiac disease cannot absorb nutrients from their food and this can lead to serious health complications, such as malnutrition, osteoporosis, infertility, and even cancer.”

GMO’s, genetically modified organisms, are “plant, animal, microorganism or other organism whose genetic makeup has been modified using recombinant DNA methods (also called gene splicing), gene modification or transgenic technology.” This particular website has a list of foods that are affected by this, including corn, soy and canola. Many people have a very difficult time digesting these foods, as they were modified to withstand pests and drought. So it is not too hard to imagine that if the bugs are not able to digest them anymore, we may be having a similar problem.

One of the more recent trends in healthy eating has been to go back to eating the foods our ancestors ate and digested. The terms scavenger/hunter/gatherer are often used with this diet. It is also called the Paleo Diet. This diet consists of meats/fish/poultry/nuts/vegetables/fruits. It is grain free and so easily digested for the celiac/gluten free individual. Eating this way by choice is a healthy choice, as the foods that you are eliminating are inflammation producers in our bodies. Most people who start this gluten free diet feel better, but in our society it is hard to maintain all the time.

For the individuals who are celiac or gluten intolerant/gluten sensitive, this is a way of life to remain healthy and pain free. The switch is usually a welcome change in overall health. With this said, there are many many reasons to seriously consider going gluten free. Auto-immune disorders, cancer, and digestive issues are just a few of the health problems associated with gluten and GMO foods. Interested? Try giving it a try for 21 days to see if you notice any improvements in how you feel. There are many wonderful recipes and products now available to make this process easier than ever before. Here is a good resource to start with;

Margie Traxler | Owner, Grain Free Mamas

Written by Margie Traxler
Grain Free Mama’s is a FoodTech Consumer Product Goods company. We make gluten/grain/sugar free (Edible Grasses Free), dairy free and botanical nut free baking mixes that put the simple back into simply good for you. We also have educational resources to help you on your healthy eating journey. Margie, the Founder/CEO, received her B.S. in Biology from Portland State University. She has 22 years of experience as a successful Restaurant owner. She lives and operates her business in Henderson, Nevada.

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