Homemade Casava Root Chips

By Published On: August 25th, 2020200 wordsViews: 220


Homemade cassava root chips deliver mouthwatering satisfaction without unnecessary unhealthy fats. I fried these beauties up in coconut oil today, and we are really enjoying them! Cassava root is not only what tapioca flour is made of, but is also a tasty treat on it’s own.

When I was in the Dominican Republic recently, I had fresh cassava root chips. They were marvelous! I also had cassava root baked, and mashed. Yum! Between the plantains, cassava root and yucca, I was in healthy carb heaven. So, when I got home, naturally I set out to make these delectable treats here. These chips are my first success. Hopefully, many more varieties to come……

Lastly, I want to reference a good article on Cassava, entitled ‘5 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT CASSAVA FLOUR.’ Eating new foods, and then incorporating them into your list of useable foods is fun! Make it a taste adventure for you and the one’s you love.


Visit our website at www.grainfreemamas.com today. We have our fabulous crepe mixes available for purchase (Edible Grasses Free – no gluten, grains, cane sugar or corn sugar). Have a great day!

Margie Traxler | Owner, Grain Free Mamas

Written by Margie Traxler
Grain Free Mama’s is a FoodTech Consumer Product Goods company. We make gluten/grain/sugar free (Edible Grasses Free), dairy free and botanical nut free baking mixes that put the simple back into simply good for you. We also have educational resources to help you on your healthy eating journey. Margie, the Founder/CEO, received her B.S. in Biology from Portland State University. She has 22 years of experience as a successful Restaurant owner. She lives and operates her business in Henderson, Nevada.

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